

April 11, 2016

RPG Maker VX Ace Round 2

     It's shaping up to be a really good simple game maker. I'm planning to export a small game sometime in the future. It's going to be tough to work on it since school, grad planning, and university are all taking up my time. It probably won't be released until summer. >_<

     Meanwhile, here are a few assets I've been using. A few are from the community workshop (I give all credit to the many owners) and the bottom two are the game's protagonists which I made myself.

     The game in development is a cozy-pet-adventuring type simulation. It's mostly a free-to-roam world with some guidelines. There is character customization, a pet level-up system, and some neat areas to explore. I can't wait to show it off!

1 comment:

  1. Great knowledge, do anyone mind merely reference back to it
    RPG Maker
